Sunday, November 26, 2006

Philosophy book

I've been skimming through my philosophy book (Philosophy for Dummies) instead of reading chapter 8 and taking notes. I found some interesting passages on one of the many well-known characters within the TEC Community: Death
**Red are from the author, Green are quoted in the book from other sources

Part IV title: "What's the Deal with Death?"

Chapter 17 title: "Philosophical Consolations on Death"

Chapter 18 title: "Is There Life After Death?"

"We face our mortality, and we look at four different fears that Death inspires."

"...yet by looking at the questions distinctively raised by Death..."

"Death and taxes. You'll have to see an accountant for tax advice. But a friendly philosopher can help you understand the other unpleasant certainty in life."

"We fear Death. And we all live in some measure of denial, pretending that it's a fiction."

"Death surprises us in the midst of our hopes." -- Thomas Fuller (18th Century)

"My first real experience with Death was when I was in seventh grade."

"As a young boy, I heard about Death only when my mother talked about her childhood."

"Men fear Death, as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children is increased with tales, so is the other." -- Francis Bacon

"There are at least for different kinds of fear of Death [one of them being] fear of punishment after Death."

"Whose Death is more terrible..."

"Therefore, after Death, there must be a realm of existence in which justice prevails."

"He didn't see Death coming."

"This is a particular kind of fear of Death...that is confined to those maintaining a certain specific world view."

"I did not believe at the time that Death is annihilation..."

"For life is nearer every day to Death." -- Phaedrus

"In the midst of life, we are in Death." -- The Book of Common Prayer

"All our life is but a going out to the place of execution, to Death." -- John Donne

"Nobody knows, in fact, what Death is, nor whether to man it is not perchance the greatest of all blessings..." -- Socrates (scary thought)

"Death, the most dreaded of evils, is therefore of no concern to us; for while we exist, Death is not present, and when Death is present, we no longer exist." -- Epictetus

And though there are many, many more along with those, my favorite would probably be this one:

" simply the ultimate horror of life." -- Jean Giradoux


A. Bauer said...

I said something about 7th grade??

A. Bauer said...

Oh that....the author of "Philosophy for Dummies" must've known you in 7th grade....