Thursday, January 11, 2007

Dropping the Hammer

The title I used is actually the title of my latest comp essay (yes, the one I was procrastinating on earlier in the week).

Yesterday was our first Knowledge Bowl meet. One of the 3 teams from my school got 2nd, the other was in the mid-teens, and the team I was on was about 20th. There were 27 teams there, so I was a little disappointed in our score. There were a lot of interesting questions that I knew. Since KB is using a new company to get their questions from, there are a lot of pop culture questions in comparison to previous years. I do give a special thanks to Bob for having a link to Ken Jenning's blog on her own, seeing as his name was an answer to a question (I think I was the only one in the room who knew it).

Today, I thought I would have a bad day. My contact irritated my right eye really badly yesterday, and it was blurry all night last night. I figured it would be a good day if I woke up and it was clear again. Sadly, there was still some blur, and I decided it wouldn't be a very great day. That was until I had my conference with Mrs. Alleven. She gave us extra credit if we had her go through our essays one-on-one with her and make sure we're going in the right direction with our writing. After reading mine she said, "Interesting." Usually that can be good or bad when she says it, but it turns out she really liked my essay thus far. All I had to do was add a little bit more. Hopefully this is a good sign for what my grade will be.


The Giesenator said...

Any word on whether you are gonna be at the meet on Monday? If you are, expect to get "thrashed" by Sibley East Black Ice... heck yes, we are bringing back our old name (that was our team name in 9th grade, when we won state) So yeah.. be afraid.. be very afraid.

Janet said...

You two crack me up!