Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I suppose....

I'm pretty out of it right now, but I suppose it's normal for me.

I don't want to work on my 2nd to last comp essay for this semester, but I suppose I should.

I haven't seen how that last essay went for me, but I suppose I'll find out fairly soon.

I'm working on writing Talk #3 for TEC 67, but I suppose it's kind of slow-going.

One Act play is getting frustrating and stressful, but I suppose it'll turn out just fine.

This semester ends next Thursday, but I suppose I'll have to put up with it until then.

Milk Duds taste great, but I suppose I should quiet eating them for the night.

It's kind of cold in here, but I suppose it's partly because I'm not wearing a sweatshirt.

I feel like going to school late tomorrow, but I suppose I should try to make it on time.

My nose is running, but I suppose it'd be easy to catch.

I know you all enjoyed this pointless blog, but I suppose I should end it and get back to work.


The Giesenator said...

"Milk Duds taste great, but I suppose I should quiet eating them for the night."

I think you have been hanging around Laura too much.

A. Bauer said...

I was out of it....

Janet said...

I like how I can always count on you to make me laugh.

Ben said...

That was touching man, you should win the pulitzer!