Monday, February 05, 2007

What I've learned so far in AP European History

My goal for my blog is to set aside a day every other week to talk about European History with you fine folks. I'll try not to bore you too much.

  1. Rats can fall from a height of 50' and land without any harm. They must also chew on things often or else their lower incisors will grow into their brain and kill them.
  2. Neil Patrick Harris is in fact a homosexual. I'd heard something to this effect, but I wasn't sure. So no, Barney from How I Met Your Mother is not a good womanizer in real life. He does make a very effeminate king in Joan of Arc.
  3. Joan of Arc is a wonderful TV fall asleep to almost every day in class.
  4. The Great Schism is one of the top 3 finest displays of Catholicism's problems. Not saying I have anything against Catholicism, just pointing out how horrible the Great Schism made the Catholic Church look. I mean, honestly, two "popes" along with the real one?
  5. The French were crazy in the Middle Ages.
  6. The French are crazy now.
  7. Jen laughs really loudly. Whenever her and I are actually quiet during class, everyone else is talking and vice versa.

I give up on thinking of random things now. Mmmmm....Black Plague....


The one and only Jillian Nicole said...

Sounds like you are learning just about as much as I did in advanced history class. Pretty sure I failed the big test for college credit. Ha.

The Giesenator said...

50 ft. eh?