Sunday, December 03, 2006

"Run, freedom, run! You gotta run away!"

Tonight was the last of my performances for the 2nd play I've ever been in. I joined the Town & Country Players in their dinner theater show. It was "Earth So Rich the City Grows," and it told the story of how Blue Earth was started. We had some interesting songs, but they weren't all that exciting. It was a really lame show, but at least the costume was more comfortable than the one I wore for "Once Upon A Mattress."

On that note, and continuing with the musical aspect of this blog, I struck up a conversation yesterday with the guy who directed our school musical. I asked him if he had ever heard of the Broadway show "Avenue Q," which is basically an adult version of Sesame Street. He had, and we talked about it for a few minutes (and sang some of the songs) before he introduced me to "Urinetown." It's about a city where a drought occurs and people can no longer own personal toilets. They must pay a fee to use a public restroom, and if they get caught urinating (or deficating) anywhere else, they are sent to Urinetown.

I must admit, it's a strange concept. I borrowed the soundtrack from Kurt, and it has some good songs. All in all, I like it. It would probably be an interesting show to see. He said it was the only one he saw while he was in New York, and he really enjoyed it.