Friday, November 09, 2007

My Detention and My Freedom

Today marked a milestone in my twelve years of school thus far. I had my first ever detention this morning because I've been tardy a few times this year. It was the biggest waste of twenty minutes ever, and I'm pretty sure I deserve some compensation for the 3 minutes extra I stayed (accidentally).

Play practice was a total bomb again tonight, and I'm not sure how well the show is going to turn out next week. Word of advice: don't go to it.

Then, the Council meeting. The meeting was great and all, but the real fun was had afterwards. Everyone was hanging out in the parking lot for a while, but then most people left. We could've all been warm in the church had Janet not taken us all out there. The last four in the parking lot were Sarah, Janet, Julianna, and myself. We hung out for a while, and Julianna and I went on a short rampage. It ended in me yelling, "JJ! Get behind the tree!" Hilarious nearly-dive-move on her part.

Then, we couldn't get in through the main doors back into the warmth of the church, so Julianna had the bright idea to use the pastor's door on the side. We decided she fits into Council really well already since breaking into a church through an unlocked side door is totally a great influence. As we hung out, we told Facebook stories and had a real-life poke war. We stood by the stairs waiting for Ben, Bob, and Gary to finish their "closed-door" meeting, and pennies started falling from everywhere. We realized they couldn't be being dropped from a higher level, and eventually I tried peeking around to the stairs going down to catch the scoundrels in the act. After the next penny, Julianna said, "Thanks for the pennies!" and I charged down the stairs. Ben and I screamed at each other. Good times.

When I came back up, one of the best quotes of the night occurred.
Julianna: "And you down there, Mister..."
Me: "Rambo? MacGyver?"
Julianna: "Clint Eastwood." (She also continued on to say she saw him in Bruce Almighty recently.)

The Fab 4, as we became well known as, were the last ones to leave the parking lot. This was shortly after seeing the "whale eye" on Bob's sunroof. So much fun. There will be a picture at some point.

Quick note on the second part of my title (if you haven't caught on). I've been having a really stressful month and a half, and until next Friday I think it's just going to stay stressful (and maybe for a little longer until I get my Peale Scholarship stuff done). I feel like my life is one big detention for now, and tonight was a total freedom from that. No words can explain how I feel when I have just random times hanging out with good friends. Not a care in the world, and no chains of school, work, etc. holding me down. I wish life was so carefree.


Joel said...

I still owe an 8th grade teacher 15 minutes of detention. Bad Joel!