Friday, August 15, 2008

My Last Days

I'm not sure my summer had any huge moments eventful enough to blog about. Yes, I went to Spain (my oh my was it ever amazing), but my pictures tell that story. Yes, I worked the summer TEC, but you would've just heard the same old "It was amazing!" So here I am, one week from moving in to my new home at NWC, and it still hasn't hit me that I'm almost starting college.

My last day of work for the summer was on Tuesday. It was a nice short shift (only 6 hours), and there was cake wishing the three of us going to college well. My friend/coworker (he was a friend first) Tom came in to eat half the cake, but it was good to reminisce about our randomness we've had at work together.

I also experienced (probably) the last time I'll get to hang out with my good friends Bethany and Kaley before school starts. We spent a lot of time on our computers and walked way too far. It was still great to hang out with them, and they're two of the people from school that I'll miss the most.

Wednesday night came as a huge blessing. I was able to spend a lot of time with the usual BW3's crew, plus one newbie that I think will become a regular. I don't even know what to say about these people. They've been some of the greatest friends a guy could ask for, and most of them will be extremely far away (Kyle wins with Fargo). A few of us also went bowling afterwards at the new-and-slightly-improved Dutler's. It was good to get a few more games in with those folks.

Last night was my last meeting as a member of TEC Council. That one hasn't quite hit me yet, but I know for a fact I'll be saying a little prayer at 7:00 every 2nd Thursday of each month for all of them.

My last days at home will be stressful and busy with packing and forgetting half of what I need.

And my final words for this post go out first to the Schimek's, then to the rest of you.

Greg and Jennie, I'm so happy for your family. I told Emily on Wednesday night that baby Schimek couldn't be much luckier when it comes to his parents. You've done wonderful raising all these youth who go through TEC, Ryan and Jake are incredible kids, and I know the newest addition will be the same.

As for the rest of you, I will not go on a three month hiatus like I did this summer. That's a promise. I'll keep you all fairly well updated on anything big that happens at school. I'll be back soon after I get moved in.


Unknown said...

"As for the rest of you, I will not go on a three month hiatus like I did this summer. That's a promise. I'll keep you all fairly well updated on anything big that happens at school. I'll be back soon after I get moved in."

Ahem... September, October, November, December...