Sunday, May 25, 2008

My College

Friday was amazing. Friday marked my official orientation into college life. Friday provided me with the ambition to not want to go to my last few days of high school next week. Friday was fantastic.

At orientation on Friday, my biggest surprise was the fact that I tested out of foreign language. 351 points were needed on the placement test, and I ended up with 355. Quite comforting knowing I don't need a foreign language in college. I might still take some Spanish, but I have four years to decide that.

Remember my post titled "My Jam Session"? Well, I was talking to a guy at orientation who was very into music. We got on the topic of bands we liked, and I mentioned Falling Up. He then asked if I had ever been to Club 3 Degrees because he went to see Falling Up there recently. Turns out we were at the same show (Falling Up, This Beautiful Republic, Spoken, Family Force 5) and opposite sides of the room. It's a small, small world.

I also settled my schedule for next year. Figure this out: Mariah ended up with 16.25 credits as a nursing student, and I have 17.5 for first semester. Lame. I will admit she has earlier classes/labs and they probably take up more time for less credits.  I'm pretty excited that my only class on Thursday during the first term is TPE and it doesn't start until 3:30 pm. And so, my schedule:






Full Princ. of Financial Accounting M-W-F 8:55 am 9:55 am
Full Intro to Biblical Studies M-W-F 11:50 am 12:50 pm
Full Calc. for Mgmnt M-W-F 1:10 pm 2:00 pm
Full Theater Production Ensemble -T-R- 3:30 pm 5:00 pm
1 Concepts of Phys. Fitness M-W-F 10:40 am 11:40 am
1 Intro to Spreadsheets -T--- 9:25 am 10:55 am
2 Advanced Spreadsheets -T--- 9:25 am 10:55 am
2 Public Speaking -T-R- 12:05 pm 1:35 pm


Joel said...

Ah, fun. Any type of accounting and speech classes were always my least favorite in college. Crazy times.