Thursday, October 26, 2006

Thursday, Bloody Thursday

Today (much like Ben) was kind of a big deal. At least in my eyes it was. Today marked my first time giving blood. I didn't have any big worries about it because I personally like getting shots and the like, so I didn't figure I'd have any issues at all giving blood. I think my only issue was how I felt like I had eaten to much for lunch before I gave blood. That turned out to not be a big deal. I actually had to go eat pizza and bananas at the canteen when I got done because I was so blasted hungry.

The guy that took me in to get all my information and have me answer all the questions looked really familiar. Turns out he kind of knew me too. He's my friend Tim's dad, but I've really only seen him once before today. It was pretty interesting talking to him about Social Security Numbers. The students that were helping out at the blood drive were cracking jokes about squirting blood all over myself. Turns out Amanda (my next-door-locker neighbor from the last 2 years) had nothing better to do than watch the last 2 minutes of my blood draining and walk me to the canteen.

Good day today. I'll definitely give blood again. At play practice Emily and I were talking about how we were "heroes" along with everyone else who gave blood. I was singing on the inside. Singing Enrique Iglesias....


Shayla Michelle said...

A lot of people at my school can't because of sports, & then others just said no way. Stupid people. But I really think it's awesome that you gave blood. Seriously I would tomorrow, except for the fact that I'm not 17. But we have another blood drive in the spring when I'll be able to. =) Granted I have lacrosse, but our coaches don't really care hah.

A. Bauer said...

They left me a little so I didn't have to answer to you....

I mean....Death....

I mean....

I give up....