I've been skimming through my philosophy book (Philosophy for Dummies) instead of reading chapter 8 and taking notes. I found some interesting passages on one of the many well-known characters within the TEC Community: Death
**Red are from the author, Green are quoted in the book from other sources
Part IV title: "What's the Deal with Death?"
Chapter 17 title: "Philosophical Consolations on Death"
Chapter 18 title: "Is There Life After Death?"
"We face our mortality, and we look at four different fears that Death inspires."
"...yet by looking at the questions distinctively raised by Death..."
"Death and taxes. You'll have to see an accountant for tax advice. But a friendly philosopher can help you understand the other unpleasant certainty in life."
"We fear Death. And we all live in some measure of denial, pretending that it's a fiction."
"Death surprises us in the midst of our hopes." -- Thomas Fuller (18th Century)
"My first real experience with Death was when I was in seventh grade."
"As a young boy, I heard about Death only when my mother talked about her childhood."
"Men fear Death, as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children is increased with tales, so is the other." -- Francis Bacon
"There are at least for different kinds of fear of Death [one of them being] fear of punishment after Death."
"Whose Death is more terrible..."
"Therefore, after Death, there must be a realm of existence in which justice prevails."
"He didn't see Death coming."
"This is a particular kind of fear of Death...that is confined to those maintaining a certain specific world view."
"I did not believe at the time that Death is annihilation..."
"For life is nearer every day to Death." -- Phaedrus
"In the midst of life, we are in Death." -- The Book of Common Prayer
"All our life is but a going out to the place of execution, to Death." -- John Donne
"Nobody knows, in fact, what Death is, nor whether to man it is not perchance the greatest of all blessings..." -- Socrates (scary thought)
"Death, the most dreaded of evils, is therefore of no concern to us; for while we exist, Death is not present, and when Death is present, we no longer exist." -- Epictetus
And though there are many, many more along with those, my favorite would probably be this one:
"Death...is simply the ultimate horror of life." -- Jean Giradoux
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Philosophy book
Saturday, November 18, 2006
"I don't want you groping around in the dark all night."
Last night and tonight were our performances of "Once Upon A Mattress." Tonight was definitely AMAZING in comparison to last night. Everything went so smoothly, and I had a great time doing it. I can't pick an order for a Top 10, so I'll just post my highlights of tonight (might try to give reasoning on some of them).
-- 3 for 3 on taking off the crown (my wig would've came with it last night 2 times)
-- 2nd row "LoudFans" (Janet, Mariah, and Shayla)
-- Perfect songs tonight
-- I didn't blank on "Man To Man Talk" like I did Wednesday for the elementary
-- "The Minstrel, The Jester, and I" was the best out of any time we did it
-- Laughing at "LoudFans" during my first song
-- Searching for the Wench, I looked out into the crowd....decided to look at Mariah....
-- The greatest, most lively crowd we had (especially topped the elementary kids on Wednesday)
-- "Your job is just as important as everyone else's" [Larken] (John {Dauntless} and I laughed every time this line came up in all reahearsals and performances)
-- No cast laughing on Minstrel's line, "You're leaving forever?!?!" (We laughed just about every time until we started performing)
-- I saw Cody all dressed up in the second row....my first thought was "How embarrassing."
-- Brice made it to the show (the little liar)
-- USC folks (Kyle, MaryErin, KG)
-- Meeting Alex's {Harry} dad....he's hilarious....
-- Cast party watching the video of the night
-- Horrible TP job on my car (also with a leaky can of Full Throttle)
-- The night as a whole!!!
I'll miss performing the musical for people, but I won't miss it in the essence of things. Alas, a lass is what Dauntless no longer lacks....
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
New Lines!
Today, I accidentally decided to revise my lines in the song "Man to Man Talk" during a matinee for the 5th and 6th graders. How did it come about? Basically, I blanked. Horribly. I was doing fine at first, but it came to a pause where I'm supposed to "think," and I absolutely lost everything. I got the next few words down for my gestures, but then I blanked again. Got a few more words, and one last blank. It almost happened a 4th time within that 30 seconds, but a whispered to John, "What is it?" and he fed me the word I was supposed to gesture.
Thankfully this was for the 5th and 6th graders who had basically no idea what was going on in the show. If it would've been tomorrow or Friday night, I probably would've freaked out horribly. I still freaked, but realized it's not a huge deal that it happened today. I resorted to reading through the song a few more times so I don't blank again. Not really sure how it happened in the first place since I'd had it down for so long, but it happens I guess.
For anyone going to the show tomorrow night or Friday night: I won't blank. Promise.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
That's all folks....
I'm going to keep this post short and sweet.
Blue Earth lost to Rochester Lourdes in the state quarterfinals today in Blue Earth. It was tied at 29 with 6 minutes left, and apparently Lourdes grabbed an interception with 43 seconds left. The final was 29-36.
Guess that means I'll be hearing people whine for weeks about this. Oh joy.
On the other hand, this won't be as short as I'd hoped. I went to the play in Wells tonight with some TEC folk. It was a good time at a good play. USC always has great sets for their plays, and this one was no different.
Highlight of the play: Seeing Death had a cameo appearance as The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come. Way to go Ben! (The irony of this was the kid's name was Ben who played the ghost....)
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Poets R Us
I fell in love with a book of the Bible I hadn't ever ventured into before. It made me become a fan of abstract poetry, which I had never really enjoyed before. My new Biblical love is none other than Lamentations. My favorite verses are probably 2:11, 3:31-32, and 3:40.
"My eyes fail from weeping, I am in torment within, my heart is poured out on the ground because my people are destroyed, because children and infants faint in the streets of the city."
"For men are not cast off by the Lord forever. Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love."
"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."
I also randomly listened to "Here Is Our King" by David Crowder Band, and absolutely love the chorus:
He is Jesus
Sunday, November 05, 2006
[insert appropriate title here]
My day was great. It may have started off on the wrong foot when I got a hardcore shot of soap in my eye, thus leading to me wearing glasses so the soap didn't get under my contacts, but all in all the rest of the afternoon/early night was great. That is, until I got home.
As soon as I walk in the door I hear from my mom's boyfriend (the one who threw the cat down the stairs) a sarcastic, "There's the golden child." I was pissed. Completely and utterly offended. More than anything, I felt like I was being judged. The first thought I had was about his own youngest son and what he's done in his life, but I knew right away that wasn't the right thing to be basing my anger on. I said something back, but nothing really crude or anything. I went into the kitchen where my mom and grandma were, and my mom told me to ignore him. I usually do, but he usually makes those comments under his breath so I can't hear them.
And so I sat in the kitchen for a good hour until my mom went to bed. Then I walked to the church to pray. Oddly enough, my bad mood turned into somewhat of a revelation. I decided that I was changing things about my everyday life. That way, I could shove his comment back in his face. Not in a "I really am a golden child" way, because I know I'm not and I never will be. But I mean to do it in more of a "at least I'm doing something with my faith life" way.
My TV is officially unplugged, my Bible by my bed. I'm writing a talk when I have nothing to do in study hall every day. I'm spending my time after school and play practice with God instead of wasting it away like I usually do.
What was this realization? Well, I realized I'm greedy. Not greedy for attention, not greedy for any material possessions. I'm greedy for things to go my way. Greedy for everything to fall into place according to my standards. And so I'm doing my best to give up that greed. I'm working harder on giving up things that feed the greed (yeah, I rhymed) and focusing on living not for myself and my greed, but for God and for the people around me. If someone needs me for something but I have other plans, I'm going to do my best to help them out or at least split my time between the two.
This is starting to make no sense to me because I can't think of how to word anything, so I'm stopping there. I just ask you all to pray for God to help guide my way through this and for Him to help me be able to walk through my house without feeling judged by my mom's boyfriend. Thanks a ton! I love you all!
Friday, November 03, 2006
It's been far too long since....
....I've been able to say these words:
For all the doubters [cough]Nate[cough], I chuckle in your general direction. We beat Jackson County Central tonight 24-21. I wasn't at the game, but I heard the minute it was over. I also chuckle in the direction of the NRHEG (one word) football team for their incredible 40-0 loss to Triton tonight.
It's between Plainview and Rochester Lourdes for us to play at home on Friday. Either way I'll be there and I won't have a voice on Saturday.
Buc Pride!
**Edit** I just got word from Janet that Lourdes won tonight, so we should be playing them on Friday.