Saturday, November 11, 2006

That's all folks....

I'm going to keep this post short and sweet.

Blue Earth lost to Rochester Lourdes in the state quarterfinals today in Blue Earth. It was tied at 29 with 6 minutes left, and apparently Lourdes grabbed an interception with 43 seconds left. The final was 29-36.

Guess that means I'll be hearing people whine for weeks about this. Oh joy.

On the other hand, this won't be as short as I'd hoped. I went to the play in Wells tonight with some TEC folk. It was a good time at a good play. USC always has great sets for their plays, and this one was no different.

Highlight of the play: Seeing Death had a cameo appearance as The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come. Way to go Ben! (The irony of this was the kid's name was Ben who played the ghost....)


Janet said...

I'm certainly glad you came to the play! It was good to see you. See you Friday, I am SOOOOO excited!