As I sat there watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? today, I started to think about who would be on my "phone a friend" list. Here's who I have so far along with their subjects of expertise:
Greg -- computers, old TV shows, original Nintendo games
Janet -- reality TV
Nate -- random trivia (woot for Knowledge Bowl)
Mariah -- shoes
Cody -- photography, theater, lighting, theater lighting
Jennie -- motherhood
Ben -- death-related issues
Tim -- llamas
Ok, so I ran out of ideas after a few people. If you have any other areas you want to be included in or you're not on the list at all and have an idea, be sure to let me know. That way I'll put you down on the list if I'm ever on Millionaire.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Who Wants to Be A Lifeline?
Friday, January 26, 2007
I'm posting in an e-mail again because I don't have enough time to read everyone's blogs tonight (sorry!), and I know I would end up doing it if I went to Blogger. I just wanted to post something quick because I'm very excited about tomorrow. I'll be in Mankato for One-Act Competition, and it's going to be a great time. We leave at 7:45, but we won't go on until 3:45 (lametastic). If you want to check it out, the whole thing starts at 10:00 am at Fitzgerald Middle School (about 5 blocks up the hill from Riverfront I believe).
The other thing I'm excited about is today's Knowledge Bowl meet. I knew a lot of folks from the NRHEG teams (Cody, Trevor, Andrew...), and it was a huge meet. Out of 69 teams, the Blue Earth teams were 8th, 28th, and 32nd. Not too shabby. My team was the 32nd one, but we did the best out of our 3 teams on the written round (43) and we our best verbal round was in the last round (14). There were 23 rooms, and we went from room 5 to 11 to 13 (twice). It was a good day though.
For those of you going to Roch tomorrow for TEC, have a great time! I'm still really disappointed that I'm missing my first Agape since I went through, but I'll survive. It'll just get me excited for TEC 67 in the good ol' town of B.E.!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Good gracious....
I'm not having the best week ever, no matter what VH1 says. Our last comp essay is supposed to be fairly easy because it's a college essay with a lot of choices for topics. Lo and behold, I can't get anything done on it. I've changed my topic at least three or four times, and I'm working on changing it again right now.
One Act is going pretty well. We have a few things to fine tune, but we should be ready for the competition on Saturday. We're also performing it Thursday morning for some of the people at school. Something's wrong with my throat right now, so I have no idea what's going to happen in the next few days. I can talk and all without having a raspy voice or anything, but it's really sore and such. It feels like it did after yelling at the TEC 65 talent show. It's crazy.
Friday is my first day off, but we all know what happens when you hope for a relaxed weekend: BUSYNESS! Friday brings about Knowledge Bowl (69 teams from 23 schools) in Blue Earth. I'm guessing my team won't do very well yet again, which is disappointing. One of our B.E. teams will do pretty well. Saturday, as I said, is One Act. I won't be able to make it to Agape for the first time since I went through TEC. I honestly think that's my biggest disappointment, even if we don't do well at One Act competition. Sunday might actually be a day of rest for me. Thankfully, I won't have any homework since it's the end of the semester this week.
I'm pretty stressed right now, but I'm trying my best to just shrug it off and try to stay positive about these last few days. Comp is my only big concern, and I just have to finish a rough draft (which should've been done today); it's all smooth sailing as soon as I have the rough draft done.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I suppose....
I'm pretty out of it right now, but I suppose it's normal for me.
I don't want to work on my 2nd to last comp essay for this semester, but I suppose I should.
I haven't seen how that last essay went for me, but I suppose I'll find out fairly soon.
I'm working on writing Talk #3 for TEC 67, but I suppose it's kind of slow-going.
One Act play is getting frustrating and stressful, but I suppose it'll turn out just fine.
This semester ends next Thursday, but I suppose I'll have to put up with it until then.
Milk Duds taste great, but I suppose I should quiet eating them for the night.
It's kind of cold in here, but I suppose it's partly because I'm not wearing a sweatshirt.
I feel like going to school late tomorrow, but I suppose I should try to make it on time.
My nose is running, but I suppose it'd be easy to catch.
I know you all enjoyed this pointless blog, but I suppose I should end it and get back to work.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Dropping the Hammer
The title I used is actually the title of my latest comp essay (yes, the one I was procrastinating on earlier in the week).
Yesterday was our first Knowledge Bowl meet. One of the 3 teams from my school got 2nd, the other was in the mid-teens, and the team I was on was about 20th. There were 27 teams there, so I was a little disappointed in our score. There were a lot of interesting questions that I knew. Since KB is using a new company to get their questions from, there are a lot of pop culture questions in comparison to previous years. I do give a special thanks to Bob for having a link to Ken Jenning's blog on her own, seeing as his name was an answer to a question (I think I was the only one in the room who knew it).
Today, I thought I would have a bad day. My contact irritated my right eye really badly yesterday, and it was blurry all night last night. I figured it would be a good day if I woke up and it was clear again. Sadly, there was still some blur, and I decided it wouldn't be a very great day. That was until I had my conference with Mrs. Alleven. She gave us extra credit if we had her go through our essays one-on-one with her and make sure we're going in the right direction with our writing. After reading mine she said, "Interesting." Usually that can be good or bad when she says it, but it turns out she really liked my essay thus far. All I had to do was add a little bit more. Hopefully this is a good sign for what my grade will be.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Curiousity cramped my style
I'm procrastinating yet again (imagine that) on a comp essay. This time it's a literary analysis on the short story "The Hammer Man." I know what I want to write, but I have no idea how to write it. Good times.
I really need to hang out with the people in my school more. Yeah, I have friends at my school, but I'm not as close to any of them as I am all the folks at TEC. The worst part about that is the fact that everyone from TEC lives anywhere but close. Oh well. "I will survive"
Why is this blog sounding so emo? I'm in a great mood tonight, but this still turned out to be a negative blog. It happens.
Back to work for me....
Thursday, January 04, 2007
These last couple nights have been horrible to me. Nothing bad has happened or anything, but I managed to screw up my sleeping pattern horribly. I'll fall asleep around 7:00 and wake up between midnight and 1:00. Then, I either stay awake until I have to go to school or I'll get another hour of sleep at the most. It's nasty. I don't like it. I think tonight was a little better since I slept from 7-11 and I'm already getting tired again. As soon as I finish my homework I'm back in bed.
Other than that, things have been going pretty well. I've actually done my homework lately instead of procrastinating hardcore. I finally got an A on my grammar quiz in Comp (we get 9 tries, and it isn't very easy to get an A on it). My grade on my PPP (Personal Philosophy Paper) was surprisingly better than I thought. When I wrote it the morning it was due, I didn't follow the guidelines at all. Instead, I decided to kind of just rant. I ended up with 90% on it though because he liked it and I stayed on one line of thought the whole time.
I think I'm getting a new phone on Saturday. My 2 years is finally up on the piece of junk I have right now, so I'll be getting my free upgrade as soon as possible. It'll be the highlight of my week thus far.
If you can't tell, I've got nothing to blog about. Maybe Tim and I should get together and brainstorm more interesting topics....