Sunday, May 28, 2006

Ben Hoogland Or Bust

Having just come home from Ann's graduation party, I figured I'd blog a little bit.

The party was quite interesting. As soon as we saw the fondue fountain, we officially made it the TEC "melting pot" (gotta love word play) by surrounding it with TEC members. Then we took over a little room in Ann's house. It smelled "pretty" in there (and probaby will for years to come) after Ben, Levi, and I were having a perfume fight in there. I honestly don't think the smell of some Britney Spears perfume will ever come out of that room.

Overall, the greatest part of the party was Kyree's car. To get back at her for utterly annihilating his room with TP, Cody decided to take it out on her precious car, the Ghetto Wagon. Yes, the entire 24 rolls of TP made a comeback by being the stuffing for the prize game bird that was this prank. Then, the car's windows were filled with great phrases like, "We Love Frat Boys" and "Ben Hoogland Or Bust"....hilarious. After that, the saran wrap came. It was a well-done effort by a saran wrapping legend that may just be a part of my family. Throw on some vaseline and a few sprinkles on top of that (yes....I said sprinkles....Cody told Kyree, "I was gonna get you a cake, but I only had time for the sprinkles), and there you have the new, and possibly even improved, Ghetto Wagon.

I think that's about all I have to say about the night. And just for the record, I still smell pretty....thanks, Ben....

Los números del día: Number of Ben's tires that were peed on -- 1 (thank Boyum for that). Total number of welts from licorice -- ?? too many to count. Total number of sprays given from various perfume bottles -- ?? too many to count. Number off Ann's shirts that Ben, Matt, Cody, and I made look good tonight -- 4 (so what if they were a little small and Ben stretched the pink one out).


Janet said...

Haha! It was a great party!

The Giesenator said...

haha.. stupid valleyfair keeps me from attending the neat parties

j said...

oh . . .my. . .goodness.