Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Quick reviews....

My first review is on To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. When our English teacher first gave it to us, she said one would be able to teach an entire creative writing class with that book alone. After reading it, I have to agree with her. Lee did an amazing job writing this novel, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. There are a lot of great messages in the book, but my favorite would probably be the good ol' quote from Atticus, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view -- until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." Quite the wise man, Atticus is. I'm trying to apply that to my life right now by climbing into the skin of the people I've been trying to get to go through TEC. It's hard to see things from their point of view after having experienced how incredible this ministry is, but at the same time it's hard to explain the feelings that occur there. All in all, I can just keep trying.

My other review is on the movie Crash. It's basically a two-day story about inter-related characters in L.A. who all have some trouble with racism and the like. The movie has a great message, and it comes about through many interactions that range from cruel to utterly heartwrenching. It's the only movie I've seen recently that I can truly say I've really reacted to. I was almost going to throw my remote at the TV at one point because I wanted to kill this guy. Go see it!!

El número del día: Number of times I've been ready to start my take home test question for To Kill A Mockingbird but decided to procrastiniate -- 23


Greg said...

Is there such a thing as a good procrastinator? Cause if they were good at it, wouldn't they actually be bad at it?

j said...

Both excellent picks.

Janet said...

I love TKAMB! It was one of the only books that I had to read for class that I liked! Crash is also a good movie. It's not one I really want to see over and over again, but it definitely makes you think!

The Giesenator said...

I love both of them.. and i am nearly done with my Research Paper.. woohoo