Monday, June 11, 2007

Knock down the old brick wall, and be a part of it all....

My mom and I had a meeting with my high school counselor today to talk about my plans for after high school. It's kind of nice already knowing where I want to go to school; the only thing I don't know for sure yet is my major. Figuring that out is one of my top goals for my senior year.

My hopes of Tim "Don't Call Me Tina" Anderson actually posting a blog during Joel's absence are thwarted by the fact that there is not yet a post. We're all waiting, Tim, and the suspense is killing me!

I don't have a whole lot else going on in my head right now. It's kind of........blah.......


Janet said...

Eh, majors are overrated :P

Joel said...

I knew I should have given Tim my password so he could guest-blog while I was gone. :)

Mac Man said...

You can't break me that easily!