Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Life and Times of A Baron

I don't have anything too exciting to blog about tonight, so I'm sticking you all with a boring post about how I've spent the first two weeks of my summer.

As most of my readers know, I've been job hunting. My interview was on the 8th, and I know at least one of my references was called yesterday morning. There are still a few slight ideas in mind if I don't get the job, but who knows what'll happen.

I've been swimming a few times so far this summer. Not at a public pool, but at the Oswald's house. Come to think of it, I've basically lived there for the last two weeks. I'll go out there after I wake up, stay until supper (or sometimes eat there), and then I'll come back home about 11 at night. We shoot a lot of blackbirds, play PS2, and swim. It's a good time. We've still got to start our random "Hey let's have a fire" nights where we call people up either the night of or the night before and see if they're bored enough to come to a fire.

I went to a total of 9 (I think) grad parties so far, and there's only one left to go to on Sunday.

As for the rest of my summer, it's fairly open. I have a wedding tomorrow (technically today since it is officially Saturday), and one next Saturday. My youth group is going on a camping trip from Monday to Thursday of next week, and I'm always excited for it. I love Whitewater!

So let me set up this comic a little bit. I was on the phone with Mariah last night, and I told her I thought Rachel Ray was making a lot of money (I was looking at the Forbes Celebrity 100). Then, we both decided Rachel Ray was annoying. 'Nuf said.