Sunday, June 24, 2007

Whitewater: Day 2

This day will be much less detailed than the last, and the last two days of the trip will be bunched together in very little detail in my next post.

Tuesday, June 19

8:35 am
Kyle and I are being woken up by threats of disappearing camping donuts (which are amazing). It's all a lie. We slept in compared to everyone and there's still plenty of donuts left.

1:13 pm
We just got back from our first trip to Inspiration Point. We laid up there for a little over an hour in a circle using each other's stomachs as pillows. Great fun!

1:48 pm
It's quiet time, which we're having every day after lunch. I really like just sitting by the river and skipping rocks during this time, but I'll eventually go lay out on a picnic table until I hear Kyle blow his referee whistle.

5:52 pm
I've been tubing twice so far this year (last year I didn't go at all), and both times were doubles rides with Kyle on the big tube. We're pretty amazing seeing as we've beaten everyone down the river both times. The second time down ended at Rock Island, where we spent a good couple hours. Rock Island is a big mass of rocks that was previously covered by a part of the river. This is the first year the water has been this low, so we've officially made Rock Island our place to swim and relax (instead of the nasty beach).

Sometime in here
It's really hard to coax a deer in with slow movements and a handful of grass. I was almost able to touch it, but I got within 15 feet before it slowly meandered away; it didn't run though, which surprised me.

10:21 pm
Curfew to get back to camp is 10:00, but we just got back. A few of us veterans took Ashley, James, and my mom up to the top. My mom's very afraid of heights, so she made me go out on the rock and take pictures for her (I'll post random pictures after my last blog). I also checked my messages and found out I'm good to go for a drug test for Kwik Trip. That means I'll be working there fairly soon.


Janet said...

Congrats on passing your drug test. I was so worried!

Mac Man said...

I'm so confused... How could your personality NOT be the result of massive drug use? There must be a BALCO link to you somewhere...

A. Bauer said...

I actually haven't taken my drug test yet. I'll be doing that tomorrow. Hopefully it's true/false or multiple choice....I hate short answer and essay questions....

uncle tim said...

when did you turn into Meteorologist Dave Dahl?