Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hope my first blog doesn't excite you too much....

For my first blog on this site, I decided to reflect on this past school year, class by class.

American History -- Mr. Duden
It was a pretty easy class, and we always got to watch good movies to go along with what we were studying (Glory, Forrest Gump, Dances With Wolves, etc.). Mr. Duden is an awesome teacher, and it'll be sad to see him go after next year. I'm glad I've got AP European History with him next year.
Final grade: A- (both quarters)

Phy. Ed. -- Mr. Kuechenmeister
I always love gym classes! It's been pretty interesting having Tom in all my gym classes for the last three years, and this year was probably one of the most fun. It's much easier to have gym with Kuech during football season because he always seems to be more laid back.
Final grade: A

Biology -- "Doc" Armstrong
Science never was my strongest class, but I always did just fine. Bio was pretty interesting, and it was the first time I saw someone answer their phone, put it on speakerphone, and not have a single person notice that they were talking (atta boy, Tom). Ms. Sackett was a cool student teacher, and I envy the 8th graders since they had her the whole 2nd semester.
Final grade: A (both quarters)
Next year's equivalent: Chemistry

Geometry -- Mrs. Barke/Mrs. Rustad-Huisman
Easy class, as most math classes are, and very entertaining with Mrs. Barke (who still has only 6 days to eat lunch with us). I don't think Tom will ever try to take his clothes off during class again after the first quarter of geometry, but you just never know with him. I'm glad it's over with, and I can go back to algebra next year.
Final grade: A (both quarters)
Next year's equivalent: Advanced Algebra

Architectural Drawing -- Mr. Rue
At first, I loved this class. Soon after, I absolutely hated the class. By the end, I loved it again. Rue is always an interesting character, and if he's actually leaving next year I think it'll be strange in our school without him. I won't have anyone to make fun of when North Dakota hockey gets smoked. I had always thought about architecture as a career before this class, but now I'm not so sure. There's a lot of things that I never knew could complicate your building plans.
Final grade: A, A-

English 10 -- Mrs. Alleven/Ms. Vondracek
Alleven hates freshmen and sophomores, so while I was still a freshman, my brother made me go up to her and tell her I wasn't afraid of her. Her response, "You will be..." I never was though. She's a cool teacher, and much more exciting to have than Ms. V. Either way, I still don't enjoy English classes. It wasn't too bad, but I never seem to get my work done on time. Quick apology to Alleven: I'm sorry that Challenge Comp. didn't fit into my schedule for next year...please don't hurt me.
Final grade: A, ? (projected: B+)
Next year's equivalent: 1. Composition 2. Communication

Spanish II -- Sra. Tietje
Spanish almost comes naturally to me. I love the language, and Enrique Iglesias is always fun to listen to in that class. I plan on taking all four years of it to save some money if I go to college in Iowa. Sra. Tietje is an awesome teacher, and I'm glad there isn't another Spanish teacher in our school.
Final grade: A, ? (projected: A)
Next year's equivalent: Spanish III

Small Animal Wildlife -- Ms. Niess
I never finished mounting my squirrel, and I hated reading out of the book. I didn't like a lot of the people in the class either. All in all, I'm not a fan of this class. That's all I have to say.
Final grade: A
Next year's equivalent: Nursery Landscaping

Animal Science -- Ms. Niess
Better than small animal, but still not that great. I like the people in the class better, and Dan and Seth make a hilarious combination. I still wish Mr. Lanoue was around to be the ag teacher.
Final grade: ? (projected: A)

Health -- Mr. Kuechenmeister
We only have 12 people in the class, and it's really easy. I'm only doing as bad as I am because I blew off two assignments. Definitely lame. But getting 96 out of 100 on my presentation definitely wasn't bad for sleeping from 8 pm - 4 am the night before and doing the entire thing when I woke up.
Final grade: ? (projected: A-)

And finally, to follow in the footsteps of my elders (Bob, Greg, and Tim):
El número del día: 13 -- number of times I was asked, "Why are you here?" at track practice today.


j said...

You had to mount a squirrel? That's weird!

Greg said...

Yeah, that is weird. I would think it would be especially hard to get that little saddle on it.

The Giesenator said...

I once had a pet squirrel.

uncle tim said...

I'm sorry Bauer, I think I ate your chocolate squirrel.

A. Bauer said...

I was wondering where that little guy ran off to. I was going to sacrifice him at youth group next month....