Friday, September 01, 2006

Tonight's Revelations

I had a couple of revelations tonight, but they have nothing to do with my inner-most thoughts and emotions. They have nothing to do with religion. They have nothing to do with Arj Barker. They have everything to do with TV.

My first revelation is Kyle Cease. I saw him tonight on Comedy Central Presents, and I loved a lot of his jokes. He's got a ton of energy, and he feeds off the crowd like no other (i.e. "High-Five Guy"). My favorite joke:

You ever notice whenever you go to a restaurant it doesn't matter if you want Pepsi or Coke they always have the other one.
"Can I get a Coke?"
"Is Pepsi alright?"
"Could I have a 7Up?"
"Is Sprite alright?"
"I'd like a Slurpee."
"Do you have any salt?"
"Does Mrs. Dash work?"
But my favorite restaurant ever is Taco Bell. I love the deliciousness of Taco Bell. Am I right? You over know what I'm talking about. Everyone else loves corn, but you hate it! My favorite thing about Taco Bell is you can order a water and go to the other end of the place and fill it with Coke. I did this until I realized that it wasn't the people in the drive-thru. So one time I went through the drive-thru and said, "Yeah, I'd like to order a water, but I want you to fill it with Coke."

My other revelation was from last night's MTV Video Music Awards. I didn't get to see the show because I was at a fire, but I watched the one thing I was looking forward to tonight on It was the live treadmill performance from Ok Go. You can probably hunt around for it on the site. I couldn't get a close enough link to bother posting on here.

Word from the Frontline: April almost died last night due to an explosion caused by a boiling can of root beer. Even more entertaining was the previous fire when it hit Tommy in the face (ironic, since it was his plan to put it in the fire).