Thursday, June 29, 2006

Vote Janet!....And Vote Joe!

I went on a great shopping spree today with Tommy, Kimmy, and Mariah. We've got our pink shirts for the Amazing Race on Sunday in Wells, and we just have to prep them with our team name and sweet slogans.

Of course, Mariah had to leave early because of her dumb sister (first Mac ruins Matt's prom, then she ruins our fun). But we still made fun without her. How?

While Kimmy was in Hollister, Tommy and I sat in the chairs in the entrance. Tommy was saying "Hi" to everyone who walked in or out, and one girl gave a really energetic "HEY!" in reply. So later on, we're in Spencer Gifts and that same girl walks by. Tommy nodded to her, and he said she winked back. What do we do? Decide to follow her and her friend through Target. Eventually we tell Tommy he has to go get her number. We had horrible things planned to do to him if he didn't come back with it. [[Random quote from this moment: Kimmy - "Do you need a pen?" Tommy - "No....I have my phone...."]] We finally got off of the patio furniture to go find him, and he shows us this name in his phone. Lauren (except he spelled it really oddly). Well, I found out later tonight that Tommy is a little liar. He called our friend Shayla and told her to say her name was Lauren when Kimmy called with Tommy's phone.
Moral of the story? Tommy's in trouble tomorrow....

I can't even explain how random the day really was. I ended up walking around Kohl's and through JC Penney with a shirt I got at Old Navy for $2 that said "Greatest Dad 2006." That was quite entertaining.

Random quote del día: "My dad became a computer Nazi and won't let anyone use the new one." -- Brandon on MSN when he was explaining why he wasn't using the upstairs computer.


Janet said...

Who's Joe?

Anonymous said...

so pretty sure it would have been a better day if you guys would have ridden the merry-go-round with us... it was quite fun. And like a two year old was just staring at us, but oh well, it happens..

and yes... I am amazing because I beat the Tradehome Challenge!!! And got a quarter for it.. ;)